Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The F word

Being an Aussie living in London and having to put with the usual jibes about not speaking "Queen's English", I think I'm well within my rights to have a good old whinge this week about the F word.

London is the capital of England and the hub of all things British, including language and culture, right? Well why is it that so many Londoners from all walks of life, pronounce 'th' words as 'f'. I fink if you had somefink like this frown (thrown) at you free times a day, you'd know what I'm getting at.

And the absolute worst thing about all this is that, you guessed it, I fink I'm starting to do the same fing myself! Ahhh! F!

Cute or what!

"Don't get too used to this, punk"

And a few photos of Rob's wedding

Spooky, eh.

More photos of that great night here: http://robandasukaswedding.shutterfly.com/action/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fookin 'ell Powul....ur nothin' boot a fookin lil' whingin' pom vese dayz.....
No really....Jb and I are just about rolling on the floor laughing Peje.
You should be able to get a new job....comedian...take the piss out of the cultures that u live in and study...because yes....you do study them you little observer of human nature.
Love to Leisa
Keep smilin and bein' funny!

9:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I think you observe just as much as me, Lou Lou. I think we better stop this right here before D. Crane comes out!

5:25 pm  

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